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iscroll.js 触屏手机web-凯发k8官方网

发布时间:2025/1/21 html 7 豆豆
凯发k8官方网 收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了 iscroll.js 触屏手机web-kit浏览器滚动效果代码库 小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,帮大家做个参考.
/**!* iscroll v4.1.8 ~ 凯发k8官方网 copyright (c) 2011 matteo spinelli, http://cubiq.org* released under mit license, http://cubiq.org/license*/(function(){ var m = math,vendor = (/webkit/i).test(navigator.appversion) ? 'webkit' :(/firefox/i).test(navigator.useragent) ? 'moz' :'opera' in window ? 'o' : '',// browser capabilitieshas3d = 'webkitcssmatrix' in window && 'm11' in new webkitcssmatrix(),hastouch = 'ontouchstart' in window,hastransform = vendor 'transform' in document.documentelement.style,isandroid = (/android/gi).test(navigator.appversion),isidevice = (/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appversion),isplaybook = (/playbook/gi).test(navigator.appversion),hastransitionend = isidevice || isplaybook,nextframe = (function() {return window.requestanimationframe|| window.webkitrequestanimationframe|| window.mozrequestanimationframe|| window.orequestanimationframe|| window.msrequestanimationframe|| function(callback) { return settimeout(callback, 1); }})(),cancelframe = (function () {return window.cancelrequestanimationframe|| window.webkitcancelrequestanimationframe|| window.mozcancelrequestanimationframe|| window.ocancelrequestanimationframe|| window.mscancelrequestanimationframe|| cleartimeout})(),// eventsresize_ev = 'onorientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize',start_ev = hastouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',move_ev = hastouch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove',end_ev = hastouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup',cancel_ev = hastouch ? 'touchcancel' : 'mouseup',wheel_ev = vendor == 'moz' ? 'dommousescroll' : 'mousewheel',// helperstrnopen = 'translate' (has3d ? '3d(' : '('),trnclose = has3d ? ',0)' : ')',// constructoriscroll = function (el, options) {var that = this,doc = document,i;that.wrapper = typeof el == 'object' ? el : doc.getelementbyid(el);that.wrapper.style.overflow = 'hidden';that.scroller = that.wrapper.children[0];// default optionsthat.options = {hscroll: true,vscroll: true,bounce: true,bouncelock: false,momentum: true,lockdirection: true,usetransform: true,usetransition: false,topoffset: 0,checkdomchanges: false, // experimental// scrollbarhscrollbar: true,vscrollbar: true,fixedscrollbar: isandroid,hidescrollbar: isidevice,fadescrollbar: isidevice && has3d,scrollbarclass: '',// zoomzoom: false,zoommin: 1,zoommax: 4,doubletapzoom: 2,wheelaction: 'scroll',// snapsnap: false,snapthreshold: 1,// eventsonrefresh: null,onbeforescrollstart: function (e) { e.preventdefault(); },onscrollstart: null,onbeforescrollmove: null,onscrollmove: null,onbeforescrollend: null,onscrollend: null,ontouchend: null,ondestroy: null,onzoomstart: null,onzoom: null,onzoomend: null};// user defined optionsfor (i in options) that.options[i] = options[i];// normalize optionsthat.options.usetransform = hastransform ? that.options.usetransform : false;that.options.hscrollbar = that.options.hscroll && that.options.hscrollbar;that.options.vscrollbar = that.options.vscroll && that.options.vscrollbar;that.options.zoom = that.options.usetransform && that.options.zoom;that.options.usetransition = hastransitionend && that.options.usetransition;// set some default stylesthat.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionproperty'] = that.options.usetransform ? '-' vendor.tolowercase() '-transform' : 'top left';that.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = '0';that.scroller.style[vendor 'transformorigin'] = '0 0';if (that.options.usetransition) that.scroller.style[vendor 'transitiontimingfunction'] = 'cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1)';if (that.options.usetransform) that.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen '0,0' trnclose;else that.scroller.style.csstext = ';position:absolute;top:0;left:0';if (that.options.usetransition) that.options.fixedscrollbar = true;that.refresh();that._bind(resize_ev, window);that._bind(start_ev);if (!hastouch) {that._bind('mouseout', that.wrapper);that._bind(wheel_ev);}if (that.options.checkdomchanges) that.checkdomtime = setinterval(function () {that._checkdomchanges();}, 500);};// prototype iscroll.prototype = {enabled: true,x: 0,y: 0,steps: [],scale: 1,currpagex: 0, currpagey: 0,pagesx: [], pagesy: [],anitime: null,wheelzoomcount: 0,handleevent: function (e) {var that = this;switch(e.type) {case start_ev:if (!hastouch && e.button !== 0) return;that._start(e);break;case move_ev: that._move(e); break;case end_ev:case cancel_ev: that._end(e); break;case resize_ev: that._resize(); break;case wheel_ev: that._wheel(e); break;case 'mouseout': that._mouseout(e); break;case 'webkittransitionend': that._transitionend(e); break;}},_checkdomchanges: function () {if (this.moved || this.zoomed || this.animating ||(this.scrollerw == this.scroller.offsetwidth * this.scale && this.scrollerh == this.scroller.offsetheight * this.scale)) return;this.refresh();},_scrollbar: function (dir) {var that = this,doc = document,bar;if (!that[dir 'scrollbar']) {if (that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper']) {if (hastransform) that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'].style[vendor 'transform'] = '';that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'].parentnode.removechild(that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper']);that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'] = null;that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'] = null;}return;}if (!that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper']) {// create the scrollbar wrapperbar = doc.createelement('div');if (that.options.scrollbarclass) bar.classname = that.options.scrollbarclass dir.touppercase();else bar.style.csstext = 'position:absolute;z-index:100;' (dir == 'h' ? 'height:7px;bottom:1px;left:2px;right:' (that.vscrollbar ? '7' : '2') 'px' : 'width:7px;bottom:' (that.hscrollbar ? '7' : '2') 'px;top:2px;right:1px');bar.style.csstext = ';pointer-events:none;-' vendor '-transition-property:opacity;-' vendor '-transition-duration:' (that.options.fadescrollbar ? '350ms' : '0') ';overflow:hidden;opacity:' (that.options.hidescrollbar ? '0' : '1');that.wrapper.appendchild(bar);that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'] = bar;// create the scrollbar indicatorbar = doc.createelement('div');if (!that.options.scrollbarclass) {bar.style.csstext = 'position:absolute;z-index:100;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.9);-' vendor '-background-clip:padding-box;-' vendor '-box-sizing:border-box;' (dir == 'h' ? 'height:100%' : 'width:100%') ';-' vendor '-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px';}bar.style.csstext = ';pointer-events:none;-' vendor '-transition-property:-' vendor '-transform;-' vendor '-transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1);-' vendor '-transition-duration:0;-' vendor '-transform:' trnopen '0,0' trnclose;if (that.options.usetransition) bar.style.csstext = ';-' vendor '-transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1)';that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'].appendchild(bar);that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'] = bar;}if (dir == 'h') {that.hscrollbarsize = that.hscrollbarwrapper.clientwidth;that.hscrollbarindicatorsize = m.max(m.round(that.hscrollbarsize * that.hscrollbarsize / that.scrollerw), 8);that.hscrollbarindicator.style.width = that.hscrollbarindicatorsize 'px';that.hscrollbarmaxscroll = that.hscrollbarsize - that.hscrollbarindicatorsize;that.hscrollbarprop = that.hscrollbarmaxscroll / that.maxscrollx;} else {that.vscrollbarsize = that.vscrollbarwrapper.clientheight;that.vscrollbarindicatorsize = m.max(m.round(that.vscrollbarsize * that.vscrollbarsize / that.scrollerh), 8);that.vscrollbarindicator.style.height = that.vscrollbarindicatorsize 'px';that.vscrollbarmaxscroll = that.vscrollbarsize - that.vscrollbarindicatorsize;that.vscrollbarprop = that.vscrollbarmaxscroll / that.maxscrolly;}// reset positionthat._scrollbarpos(dir, true);},_resize: function () {var that = this;settimeout(function () { that.refresh(); }, isandroid ? 200 : 0);},_pos: function (x, y) {x = this.hscroll ? x : 0;y = this.vscroll ? y : 0;if (this.options.usetransform) {this.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen x 'px,' y 'px' trnclose ' scale(' this.scale ')';} else {x = m.round(x);y = m.round(y);this.scroller.style.left = x 'px';this.scroller.style.top = y 'px';}this.x = x;this.y = y;this._scrollbarpos('h');this._scrollbarpos('v');},_scrollbarpos: function (dir, hidden) {var that = this,pos = dir == 'h' ? that.x : that.y,size;if (!that[dir 'scrollbar']) return;pos = that[dir 'scrollbarprop'] * pos;if (pos < 0) {if (!that.options.fixedscrollbar) {size = that[dir 'scrollbarindicatorsize'] m.round(pos * 3);if (size < 8) size = 8;that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'].style[dir == 'h' ? 'width' : 'height'] = size 'px';}pos = 0;} else if (pos > that[dir 'scrollbarmaxscroll']) {if (!that.options.fixedscrollbar) {size = that[dir 'scrollbarindicatorsize'] - m.round((pos - that[dir 'scrollbarmaxscroll']) * 3);if (size < 8) size = 8;that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'].style[dir == 'h' ? 'width' : 'height'] = size 'px';pos = that[dir 'scrollbarmaxscroll'] (that[dir 'scrollbarindicatorsize'] - size);} else {pos = that[dir 'scrollbarmaxscroll'];}}that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'].style[vendor 'transitiondelay'] = '0';that[dir 'scrollbarwrapper'].style.opacity = hidden && that.options.hidescrollbar ? '0' : '1';that[dir 'scrollbarindicator'].style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen (dir == 'h' ? pos 'px,0' : '0,' pos 'px') trnclose;},_start: function (e) {var that = this,point = hastouch ? e.touches[0] : e,matrix, x, y,c1, c2;if (!that.enabled) return;if (that.options.onbeforescrollstart) that.options.onbeforescrollstart.call(that, e);if (that.options.usetransition || that.options.zoom) that._transitiontime(0);that.moved = false;that.animating = false;that.zoomed = false;that.distx = 0;that.disty = 0;that.absdistx = 0;that.absdisty = 0;that.dirx = 0;that.diry = 0;// gesture startif (that.options.zoom && hastouch && e.touches.length > 1) {c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagex-e.touches[1].pagex);c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagey-e.touches[1].pagey);that.touchesdiststart = m.sqrt(c1 * c1 c2 * c2);that.originx = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagex e.touches[1].pagex - that.wrapperoffsetleft * 2) / 2 - that.x;that.originy = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagey e.touches[1].pagey - that.wrapperoffsettop * 2) / 2 - that.y;if (that.options.onzoomstart) that.options.onzoomstart.call(that, e);}if (that.options.momentum) {if (that.options.usetransform) {// very lame general purpose alternative to cssmatrixmatrix = getcomputedstyle(that.scroller, null)[vendor 'transform'].replace(/[^0-9-.,]/g, '').split(',');x = matrix[4] * 1;y = matrix[5] * 1;} else {x = getcomputedstyle(that.scroller, null).left.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, '') * 1;y = getcomputedstyle(that.scroller, null).top.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, '') * 1;}if (x != that.x || y != that.y) {if (that.options.usetransition) that._unbind('webkittransitionend');else cancelframe(that.anitime);that.steps = [];that._pos(x, y);}}that.absstartx = that.x; // needed by snap thresholdthat.absstarty = that.y;that.startx = that.x;that.starty = that.y;that.pointx = point.pagex;that.pointy = point.pagey;that.starttime = e.timestamp || (new date()).gettime();if (that.options.onscrollstart) that.options.onscrollstart.call(that, e);that._bind(move_ev);that._bind(end_ev);that._bind(cancel_ev);},_move: function (e) {var that = this,point = hastouch ? e.touches[0] : e,deltax = point.pagex - that.pointx,deltay = point.pagey - that.pointy,newx = that.x deltax,newy = that.y deltay,c1, c2, scale,timestamp = e.timestamp || (new date()).gettime();if (that.options.onbeforescrollmove) that.options.onbeforescrollmove.call(that, e);// zoomif (that.options.zoom && hastouch && e.touches.length > 1) {c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagex - e.touches[1].pagex);c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pagey - e.touches[1].pagey);that.touchesdist = m.sqrt(c1*c1 c2*c2);that.zoomed = true;scale = 1 / that.touchesdiststart * that.touchesdist * this.scale;if (scale < that.options.zoommin) scale = 0.5 * that.options.zoommin * math.pow(2.0, scale / that.options.zoommin);else if (scale > that.options.zoommax) scale = 2.0 * that.options.zoommax * math.pow(0.5, that.options.zoommax / scale);that.lastscale = scale / this.scale;newx = this.originx - this.originx * that.lastscale this.x,newy = this.originy - this.originy * that.lastscale this.y;this.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen newx 'px,' newy 'px' trnclose ' scale(' scale ')';if (that.options.onzoom) that.options.onzoom.call(that, e);return;}that.pointx = point.pagex;that.pointy = point.pagey;// slow down if outside of the boundariesif (newx > 0 || newx < that.maxscrollx) {newx = that.options.bounce ? that.x (deltax / 2) : newx >= 0 || that.maxscrollx >= 0 ? 0 : that.maxscrollx;}if (newy > that.minscrolly || newy < that.maxscrolly) { newy = that.options.bounce ? that.y (deltay / 2) : newy >= that.minscrolly || that.maxscrolly >= 0 ? that.minscrolly : that.maxscrolly;}if (that.absdistx < 6 && that.absdisty < 6) {that.distx = deltax;that.disty = deltay;that.absdistx = m.abs(that.distx);that.absdisty = m.abs(that.disty);return;}// lock directionif (that.options.lockdirection) {if (that.absdistx > that.absdisty 5) {newy = that.y;deltay = 0;} else if (that.absdisty > that.absdistx 5) {newx = that.x;deltax = 0;}}that.moved = true;that._pos(newx, newy);that.dirx = deltax > 0 ? -1 : deltax < 0 ? 1 : 0;that.diry = deltay > 0 ? -1 : deltay < 0 ? 1 : 0;if (timestamp - that.starttime > 300) {that.starttime = timestamp;that.startx = that.x;that.starty = that.y;}if (that.options.onscrollmove) that.options.onscrollmove.call(that, e);},_end: function (e) {if (hastouch && e.touches.length != 0) return;var that = this,point = hastouch ? e.changedtouches[0] : e,target, ev,momentumx = { dist:0, time:0 },momentumy = { dist:0, time:0 },duration = (e.timestamp || (new date()).gettime()) - that.starttime,newposx = that.x,newposy = that.y,distx, disty,newduration,scale;that._unbind(move_ev);that._unbind(end_ev);that._unbind(cancel_ev);if (that.options.onbeforescrollend) that.options.onbeforescrollend.call(that, e);if (that.zoomed) {scale = that.scale * that.lastscale;scale = math.max(that.options.zoommin, scale);scale = math.min(that.options.zoommax, scale);that.lastscale = scale / that.scale;that.scale = scale;that.x = that.originx - that.originx * that.lastscale that.x;that.y = that.originy - that.originy * that.lastscale that.y;that.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = '200ms';that.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen that.x 'px,' that.y 'px' trnclose ' scale(' that.scale ')';that.zoomed = false;that.refresh();if (that.options.onzoomend) that.options.onzoomend.call(that, e);return;}if (!that.moved) {if (hastouch) {if (that.doubletaptimer && that.options.zoom) {// double tappedcleartimeout(that.doubletaptimer);that.doubletaptimer = null;if (that.options.onzoomstart) that.options.onzoomstart.call(that, e);that.zoom(that.pointx, that.pointy, that.scale == 1 ? that.options.doubletapzoom : 1);if (that.options.onzoomend) {settimeout(function() {that.options.onzoomend.call(that, e);}, 200); // 200 is default zoom duration}} else {that.doubletaptimer = settimeout(function () {that.doubletaptimer = null;// find the last touched elementtarget = point.target;while (target.nodetype != 1) target = target.parentnode;if (target.tagname != 'select' && target.tagname != 'input' && target.tagname != 'textarea') {ev = document.createevent('mouseevents');ev.initmouseevent('click', true, true, e.view, 1,point.screenx, point.screeny, point.clientx, point.clienty,e.ctrlkey, e.altkey, e.shiftkey, e.metakey,0, null);ev._fake = true;target.dispatchevent(ev);}}, that.options.zoom ? 250 : 0);}}that._resetpos(200);if (that.options.ontouchend) that.options.ontouchend.call(that, e);return;}if (duration < 300 && that.options.momentum) {momentumx = newposx ? that._momentum(newposx - that.startx, duration, -that.x, that.scrollerw - that.wrapperw that.x, that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperw : 0) : momentumx;momentumy = newposy ? that._momentum(newposy - that.starty, duration, -that.y, (that.maxscrolly < 0 ? that.scrollerh - that.wrapperh that.y - that.minscrolly : 0), that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperh : 0) : momentumy;newposx = that.x momentumx.dist;newposy = that.y momentumy.dist;if ((that.x > 0 && newposx > 0) || (that.x < that.maxscrollx && newposx < that.maxscrollx)) momentumx = { dist:0, time:0 };if ((that.y > that.minscrolly && newposy > that.minscrolly) || (that.y < that.maxscrolly && newposy < that.maxscrolly)) momentumy = { dist:0, time:0 };}if (momentumx.dist || momentumy.dist) {newduration = m.max(m.max(momentumx.time, momentumy.time), 10);// do we need to snap?if (that.options.snap) {distx = newposx - that.absstartx;disty = newposy - that.absstarty;if (m.abs(distx) < that.options.snapthreshold && m.abs(disty) < that.options.snapthreshold) { that.scrollto(that.absstartx, that.absstarty, 200); }else {snap = that._snap(newposx, newposy);newposx = snap.x;newposy = snap.y;newduration = m.max(snap.time, newduration);}}that.scrollto(newposx, newposy, newduration);if (that.options.ontouchend) that.options.ontouchend.call(that, e);return;}// do we need to snap?if (that.options.snap) {distx = newposx - that.absstartx;disty = newposy - that.absstarty;if (m.abs(distx) < that.options.snapthreshold && m.abs(disty) < that.options.snapthreshold) that.scrollto(that.absstartx, that.absstarty, 200);else {snap = that._snap(that.x, that.y);if (snap.x != that.x || snap.y != that.y) that.scrollto(snap.x, snap.y, snap.time);}if (that.options.ontouchend) that.options.ontouchend.call(that, e);return;}that._resetpos(200);if (that.options.ontouchend) that.options.ontouchend.call(that, e);},_resetpos: function (time) {var that = this,resetx = that.x >= 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxscrollx ? that.maxscrollx : that.x,resety = that.y >= that.minscrolly || that.maxscrolly > 0 ? that.minscrolly : that.y < that.maxscrolly ? that.maxscrolly : that.y;if (resetx == that.x && resety == that.y) {if (that.moved) {that.moved = false;if (that.options.onscrollend) that.options.onscrollend.call(that); // execute custom code on scroll end}if (that.hscrollbar && that.options.hidescrollbar) {if (vendor == 'webkit') that.hscrollbarwrapper.style[vendor 'transitiondelay'] = '300ms';that.hscrollbarwrapper.style.opacity = '0';}if (that.vscrollbar && that.options.hidescrollbar) {if (vendor == 'webkit') that.vscrollbarwrapper.style[vendor 'transitiondelay'] = '300ms';that.vscrollbarwrapper.style.opacity = '0';}return;}that.scrollto(resetx, resety, time || 0);},_wheel: function (e) {var that = this,wheeldeltax, wheeldeltay,deltax, deltay,deltascale;if ('wheeldeltax' in e) {wheeldeltax = e.wheeldeltax / 12;wheeldeltay = e.wheeldeltay / 12;} else if ('detail' in e) {wheeldeltax = wheeldeltay = -e.detail * 3;} else {wheeldeltax = wheeldeltay = -e.wheeldelta;}if (that.options.wheelaction == 'zoom') {deltascale = that.scale * math.pow(2, 1/3 * (wheeldeltay ? wheeldeltay / math.abs(wheeldeltay) : 0));if (deltascale < that.options.zoommin) deltascale = that.options.zoommin;if (deltascale > that.options.zoommax) deltascale = that.options.zoommax;if (deltascale != that.scale) {if (!that.wheelzoomcount && that.options.onzoomstart) that.options.onzoomstart.call(that, e);that.wheelzoomcount ;that.zoom(e.pagex, e.pagey, deltascale, 400);settimeout(function() {that.wheelzoomcount--;if (!that.wheelzoomcount && that.options.onzoomend) that.options.onzoomend.call(that, e);}, 400);}return;}deltax = that.x wheeldeltax;deltay = that.y wheeldeltay;if (deltax > 0) deltax = 0;else if (deltax < that.maxscrollx) deltax = that.maxscrollx;if (deltay > that.minscrolly) deltay = that.minscrolly;else if (deltay < that.maxscrolly) deltay = that.maxscrolly;that.scrollto(deltax, deltay, 0);},_mouseout: function (e) {var t = e.relatedtarget;if (!t) {this._end(e);return;}while (t = t.parentnode) if (t == this.wrapper) return;this._end(e);},_transitionend: function (e) {var that = this;if (e.target != that.scroller) return;that._unbind('webkittransitionend');that._startani();},/***** utilities**/_startani: function () {var that = this,startx = that.x, starty = that.y,starttime = (new date).gettime(),step, easeout;if (that.animating) return;if (!that.steps.length) {that._resetpos(400);return;}step = that.steps.shift();if (step.x == startx && step.y == starty) step.time = 0;that.animating = true;that.moved = true;if (that.options.usetransition) {that._transitiontime(step.time);that._pos(step.x, step.y);that.animating = false;if (step.time) that._bind('webkittransitionend');else that._resetpos(0);return;}(function animate () {var now = (new date).gettime(),newx, newy;if (now >= starttime step.time) {that._pos(step.x, step.y);that.animating = false;if (that.options.onanimationend) that.options.onanimationend.call(that); // execute custom code on animation endthat._startani();return;}now = (now - starttime) / step.time - 1;easeout = m.sqrt(1 - now * now);newx = (step.x - startx) * easeout startx;newy = (step.y - starty) * easeout starty;that._pos(newx, newy);if (that.animating) that.anitime = nextframe(animate);})();},_transitiontime: function (time) {time = 'ms';this.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = time;if (this.hscrollbar) this.hscrollbarindicator.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = time;if (this.vscrollbar) this.vscrollbarindicator.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = time;},_momentum: function (dist, time, maxdistupper, maxdistlower, size) {var deceleration = 0.0006,speed = m.abs(dist) / time,newdist = (speed * speed) / (2 * deceleration),newtime = 0, outsidedist = 0;// proportinally reduce speed if we are outside of the boundaries if (dist > 0 && newdist > maxdistupper) {outsidedist = size / (6 / (newdist / speed * deceleration));maxdistupper = maxdistupper outsidedist;speed = speed * maxdistupper / newdist;newdist = maxdistupper;} else if (dist < 0 && newdist > maxdistlower) {outsidedist = size / (6 / (newdist / speed * deceleration));maxdistlower = maxdistlower outsidedist;speed = speed * maxdistlower / newdist;newdist = maxdistlower;}newdist = newdist * (dist < 0 ? -1 : 1);newtime = speed / deceleration;return { dist: newdist, time: m.round(newtime) };},_offset: function (el) {var left = -el.offsetleft,top = -el.offsettop;while (el = el.offsetparent) {left -= el.offsetleft;top -= el.offsettop;}if (el != this.wrapper) {left *= this.scale;top *= this.scale;}return { left: left, top: top };},_snap: function (x, y) {var that = this,i, l,page, time,sizex, sizey;// check page xpage = that.pagesx.length - 1;for (i=0, l=that.pagesx.length; i= that.pagesx[i]) {page = i;break;}}if (page == that.currpagex && page > 0 && that.dirx < 0) page--;x = that.pagesx[page];sizex = m.abs(x - that.pagesx[that.currpagex]);sizex = sizex ? m.abs(that.x - x) / sizex * 500 : 0;that.currpagex = page;// check page ypage = that.pagesy.length-1;for (i=0; i= that.pagesy[i]) {page = i;break;}}if (page == that.currpagey && page > 0 && that.diry < 0) page--;y = that.pagesy[page];sizey = m.abs(y - that.pagesy[that.currpagey]);sizey = sizey ? m.abs(that.y - y) / sizey * 500 : 0;that.currpagey = page;// snap with constant speed (proportional duration)time = m.round(m.max(sizex, sizey)) || 200;return { x: x, y: y, time: time };},_bind: function (type, el, bubble) {(el || this.scroller).addeventlistener(type, this, !!bubble);},_unbind: function (type, el, bubble) {(el || this.scroller).removeeventlistener(type, this, !!bubble);},/***** public methods**/destroy: function () {var that = this;that.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = '';// remove the scrollbarsthat.hscrollbar = false;that.vscrollbar = false;that._scrollbar('h');that._scrollbar('v');// remove the event listenersthat._unbind(resize_ev, window);that._unbind(start_ev);that._unbind(move_ev);that._unbind(end_ev);that._unbind(cancel_ev);if (that.options.hastouch) {that._unbind('mouseout', that.wrapper);that._unbind(wheel_ev);}if (that.options.usetransition) that._unbind('webkittransitionend');if (that.options.checkdomchanges) clearinterval(that.checkdomtime);if (that.options.ondestroy) that.options.ondestroy.call(that);},refresh: function () {var that = this,offset,pos = 0,page = 0;if (that.scale < that.options.zoommin) that.scale = that.options.zoommin;that.wrapperw = that.wrapper.clientwidth || 1;that.wrapperh = that.wrapper.clientheight || 1;that.minscrolly = -that.options.topoffset || 0;that.scrollerw = m.round(that.scroller.offsetwidth * that.scale);that.scrollerh = m.round((that.scroller.offsetheight that.minscrolly) * that.scale);that.maxscrollx = that.wrapperw - that.scrollerw;that.maxscrolly = that.wrapperh - that.scrollerh that.minscrolly;that.dirx = 0;that.diry = 0;if (that.options.onrefresh) that.options.onrefresh.call(that);that.hscroll = that.options.hscroll && that.maxscrollx < 0;that.vscroll = that.options.vscroll && (!that.options.bouncelock && !that.hscroll || that.scrollerh > that.wrapperh);that.hscrollbar = that.hscroll && that.options.hscrollbar;that.vscrollbar = that.vscroll && that.options.vscrollbar && that.scrollerh > that.wrapperh;offset = that._offset(that.wrapper);that.wrapperoffsetleft = -offset.left;that.wrapperoffsettop = -offset.top;// prepare snapif (typeof that.options.snap == 'string') {that.pagesx = [];that.pagesy = [];els = that.scroller.queryselectorall(that.options.snap);for (i=0, l=els.length; i= that.maxscrollx) {that.pagesx[page] = pos;pos = pos - that.wrapperw;page ;}if (that.maxscrollx%that.wrapperw) that.pagesx[that.pagesx.length] = that.maxscrollx - that.pagesx[that.pagesx.length-1] that.pagesx[that.pagesx.length-1];pos = 0;page = 0;that.pagesy = [];while (pos >= that.maxscrolly) {that.pagesy[page] = pos;pos = pos - that.wrapperh;page ;}if (that.maxscrolly%that.wrapperh) that.pagesy[that.pagesy.length] = that.maxscrolly - that.pagesy[that.pagesy.length-1] that.pagesy[that.pagesy.length-1];}// prepare the scrollbarsthat._scrollbar('h');that._scrollbar('v');if (!that.zoomed) {that.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = '0';that._resetpos(200);}},scrollto: function (x, y, time, relative) {var that = this,step = x,i, l;that.stop();if (!step.length) step = [{ x: x, y: y, time: time, relative: relative }];for (i=0, l=step.length; i 0 ? 0 : pos.left < that.maxscrollx ? that.maxscrollx : pos.left;pos.top = pos.top > that.minscrolly ? that.minscrolly : pos.top < that.maxscrolly ? that.maxscrolly : pos.top;time = time === undefined ? m.max(m.abs(pos.left)*2, m.abs(pos.top)*2) : time;that.scrollto(pos.left, pos.top, time);},scrolltopage: function (pagex, pagey, time) {var that = this, x, y;if (that.options.snap) {pagex = pagex == 'next' ? that.currpagex 1 : pagex == 'prev' ? that.currpagex-1 : pagex;pagey = pagey == 'next' ? that.currpagey 1 : pagey == 'prev' ? that.currpagey-1 : pagey;pagex = pagex < 0 ? 0 : pagex > that.pagesx.length-1 ? that.pagesx.length-1 : pagex;pagey = pagey < 0 ? 0 : pagey > that.pagesy.length-1 ? that.pagesy.length-1 : pagey;that.currpagex = pagex;that.currpagey = pagey;x = that.pagesx[pagex];y = that.pagesy[pagey];} else {x = -that.wrapperw * pagex;y = -that.wrapperh * pagey;if (x < that.maxscrollx) x = that.maxscrollx;if (y < that.maxscrolly) y = that.maxscrolly;}that.scrollto(x, y, time || 400);},disable: function () {this.stop();this._resetpos(0);this.enabled = false;// if disabled after touchstart we make sure that there are no left over eventsthis._unbind(move_ev);this._unbind(end_ev);this._unbind(cancel_ev);},enable: function () {this.enabled = true;},stop: function () {if (this.options.usetransition) this._unbind('webkittransitionend');else cancelframe(this.anitime);this.steps = [];this.moved = false;this.animating = false;},zoom: function (x, y, scale, time) {var that = this,relscale = scale / that.scale;if (!that.options.usetransform) return;that.zoomed = true;time = time === undefined ? 200 : time;x = x - that.wrapperoffsetleft - that.x;y = y - that.wrapperoffsettop - that.y;that.x = x - x * relscale that.x;that.y = y - y * relscale that.y;that.scale = scale;that.refresh();that.x = that.x > 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxscrollx ? that.maxscrollx : that.x;that.y = that.y > that.minscrolly ? that.minscrolly : that.y < that.maxscrolly ? that.maxscrolly : that.y;that.scroller.style[vendor 'transitionduration'] = time 'ms';that.scroller.style[vendor 'transform'] = trnopen that.x 'px,' that.y 'px' trnclose ' scale(' scale ')';that.zoomed = false;},isready: function () {return !this.moved && !this.zoomed && !this.animating;} };if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') exports.iscroll = iscroll; else window.iscroll = iscroll;})();




以上是凯发k8官方网为你收集整理的iscroll.js 触屏手机web-kit浏览器滚动效果代码库的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决所遇到的问题。


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