通过案例学调优之--sql profile
一、什么是sql profile(概要)
sql profile在性能优化中占有一个重要的位置。
mos里这么描述sql profile:
sql profile是10g中的新特性,作为自动sql调整过程的一部分,由oracle企业管理器来管理。除了oem,sql profile可以通过dbms_sqltune包来进行管理。
查询优化器有时候会因为缺乏足够的信息,而对一条sql语句做出错误的估计,生成糟糕的执行计划。而自动sql调整通过sql概要分析来解决这个问题,自动调整优化器会生成这条sql语句的一个概要,称作sql profile。它由针对这条语句的一些辅助统计信息组成,通过采样和局部执行技术来确认,必要的话,会调整执行计划中的估计值。在sql概要分析中,自动调整优化器还可以通过一条sql语句的执行历史信息来设置合适的优化器参数,比如将optimizer_mode参数由all_rows改为first_rows。
sql profile中包含的并非单个执行计划的信息,必须注意的是,sql profile不会固定一个sql语句的执行计划。当表的数据增长或者索引创建、删除,使用同一个sql profile的执行计划可能会改变,而储存在sql profile中的信息会继续起作用。然而,经过一段很长的时间之后,它的信息有可能会过时,需要重新生成。
sql profile的作用范围由category属性来控制,这个属性决定了哪些用户会话可以应用这个概要。你可以从dba_sql_profiles中的category字段来查看这个属性。默认情况下,所有概要文件都创建为default范畴,这意味着所有sqltune_category初始化参数为default的用户会话都可以使用这个概要。你可以修改这个属性,比如将其改为sco,则sqltune_gategory参数为sco的用户会话才能使用它,利用这个功能,你可以在一个受限制的环境中来测试一个sql profile。
16:42:03 sys@ prod >desc dba_sql_profilesname null? type----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------name not null varchar2(30)category not null varchar2(30)signature not null numbersql_text not null clobcreated not null timestamp(6)last_modified timestamp(6)description varchar2(500)type varchar2(7)status varchar2(8)force_matching varchar2(3)task_id numbertask_exec_name varchar2(30)task_obj_id numbertask_fnd_id numbertask_rec_id number16:50:43 sys@ prod >select name, category,sql_text,status from dba_sql_profiles; no rows selectedsql profile可以作用在如下表达式中:select; update; insert(在包含select子句的情况下); delete; create table(包含select子句的情况下); merge(update或insert操作)。
二、sql profile的管理
1. 用户传送要执行的sql语句给sql引擎
2. sql引擎要求查询优化器提供执行计划
3. 查询优化取得系统统计信息、sql语句引用对象的对象统计信息、sql概要和构成执行环境的初始化参数
4. 查询优化器分析sql语句并产生执行计划
5. 将执行计划传递给sql引擎
6. sql引擎执行sql语句
sql profile可以由oem来管理,也可以通过dbms_sqltune包来手动使用。
1. 在performance页面,点击top activity。出现了top activity页面
2. 在top sql下面,点击正在使用sql profile的sql表达式的sql id链接,会出现一个sql details页面
3. 点击plan control选项卡,在sql profiles and outlines下面会显示一个sql profile的列表
4. 选择你想要管理的sql profile,可以做如下操作:启用或禁用、移除
5. 会出现一个确认的页面,点击yes继续,no取消
如果使用dbms_sqltune包,你需要create any sql_profile、drop any sql_profile还有alter any sql_profile的系统权限。
1)、创建sql profile
使用dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile过程来接受并创建sql tuning advisor建议的sql profile
declare my_sqlprofile_name varchar2(30); begin my_sqlprofile_name := dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile ( task_name => 'my_sql_tuning_task', name => 'my_sql_profile'); end;这个过程的传入参数中有一个可选参数force_match,默认为false。当设置为false时,不区分空白和大小写,为true时,空白、大小写和字面量都不区分。通过企业管理器来接受sql概要时,这个参数在oracle11g中才可以设置。
2)、修改sql profile
begin dbms_sqltune.alter_sql_profile( name => 'my_sql_profile', attribute_name => 'status', value => 'disabled'); end; /3)、删除sql profile
begin dbms_sqltune.drop_sql_profile(name => 'my_sql_profile'); end; /对我们来说,重点在于创建sql profile时的my_sql_tuning_task上,它通过函数create_tuning_task来创建,执行这个函数需要传递下面的参数之一:sql语句文本、存储在共享池中的sql语句引用(sql_id)、存储在自动工作量资料库中的sql语句引用(sql_id)、sql调优集名称。
什么是sql调优集(tuning set)?简单来讲,sql调优集是存储一系列sql语句及其相关信息的对象集合,这些信息包括执行环境、运行统计和可选的执行计划。
1、scott用户执行sql 17:19:56 scott@ prod >create table test (n number); table created.17:20:16 scott@ prod >begin 17:20:24 2 for i in 1..100000 loop 17:20:36 3 insert into test values (i); 17:20:47 4 commit; 17:20:49 5 end loop; 17:20:52 6 end; 17:20:53 7 / pl/sql procedure successfully completed.17:22:02 scott@ prod >create index test_ind on test(n); index created.17:22:55 scott@ prod >exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'test' ,cascade=>true); pl/sql procedure successfully completed.17:23:15 scott@ prod >set autotrace on 17:23:43 scott@ prod >select * from test where n=100;n ----------100 elapsed: 00:00:00.01 execution plan ---------------------------------------------------------- plan hash value: 3357096749 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | select statement | | 1 | 5 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | index range scan| test_ind | 1 | 5 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- predicate information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------1 - access("n"=100) statistics ----------------------------------------------------------1 recursive calls0 db block gets3 consistent gets0 physical reads0 redo size415 bytes sent via sql*net to client419 bytes received via sql*net from client2 sql*net roundtrips to/from client0 sorts (memory)0 sorts (disk)1 rows processed对此sql建立sql profile: 17:24:02 scott@ prod >select /* no_index(test,test_ind) */ * from test where n=100;n ----------100 elapsed: 00:00:00.01 execution plan ---------------------------------------------------------- plan hash value: 1357081020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | select statement | | 1 | 5 | 69 (2)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | table access full| test | 1 | 5 | 69 (2)| 00:00:01 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- predicate information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------1 - filter("n"=100) statistics ----------------------------------------------------------1 recursive calls0 db block gets191 consistent gets0 physical reads0 redo size415 bytes sent via sql*net to client419 bytes received via sql*net from client2 sql*net roundtrips to/from client0 sorts (memory)0 sorts (disk)1 rows processed2、通过sys用户建立sql profile(使用dbms_sqltune包) 17:28:26 sys@ prod >declare 17:29:34 2 17:29:34 3 my_task_name varchar2(30); 17:29:34 4 17:29:34 5 my_sqltext clob; 17:29:34 6 17:29:34 7 begin 17:29:34 8 17:29:34 9 my_sqltext := 'select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from test where n=100'; 17:29:34 10 17:29:34 11 my_task_name := dbms_sqltune.create_tuning_task( 17:29:34 12 17:29:34 13 sql_text => my_sqltext, 17:29:34 14 17:29:34 15 user_name => 'scott', 17:29:34 16 17:29:34 17 scope => 'comprehensive', 17:29:34 18 17:29:34 19 time_limit => 60, 17:29:34 20 17:29:34 21 task_name => 'my_tun1', 17:29:34 22 17:29:34 23 description => 'task to tune a query on a specified table'); 17:29:34 24 17:29:34 25 end; 17:29:35 26 / pl/sql procedure successfully completed.建立调优任务: 17:29:37 sys@ prod >begin 17:30:39 2 17:30:39 3 dbms_sqltune.execute_tuning_task( task_name => 'my_tun1'); 17:30:39 4 17:30:39 5 end; 17:30:39 6 17:30:39 7 / pl/sql procedure successfully completed.查看调优task: 17:32:47 sys@ prod >set long 1000 17:33:17 sys@ prod >set longchunksize 1000 17:33:24 sys@ prod >set linesize 100 17:33:32 sys@ prod >select dbms_sqltune.report_tuning_task('my_tun1') from dual dbms_sqltune.report_tuning_task('my_tun1') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- general information section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tuning task name : my_tun1 tuning task owner : sys workload type : single sql statement scope : comprehensive time limit(seconds): 60 completion status : completed started at : 11/07/2014 17:30:41 completed at : 11/07/2014 17:30:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- schema name: scott sql id : b1wdr0b0qzsbg sql text : select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from test where n=100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dbms_sqltune.report_tuning_task('my_tun1') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- findings section (1 finding) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- sql profile finding (see explain plans section below) --------------------------------------------------------a potentially better execution plan was found for this statement.recommendation (estimated benefit: 99.41%)17:34:58 sys@ prod >execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name =>'my_tun1',task_owner => 'sys', replace => true); pl/sql procedure successfully completed.建立sql profile: 17:39:22 sys@ prod >declare 17:41:13 2 17:41:13 3 my_sqlprofile_name varchar2(30); 17:41:13 4 17:41:13 5 begin 17:41:13 6 17:41:13 7 my_sqlprofile_name := dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile ( 17:41:13 8 17:41:13 9 task_name => 'my_tun1', 17:41:13 10 17:41:13 11 name => 'my_sqlprofile',force_match=>false); 17:41:13 12 17:41:13 13 end; 17:41:15 14 / declare * error at line 1: ora-13830: sql profile with category default already exists for this sql statement ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sqltune_internal", line 16259 ora-06512: at "sys.prvt_sqlprof_infra", line 31 ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sqltune", line 7133 ora-06512: at line 717:44:28 sys@ prod >declare 17:46:00 2 17:46:00 3 my_sqlprofile_name varchar2(30); 17:46:00 4 17:46:00 5 begin 17:46:00 6 17:46:00 7 my_sqlprofile_name := dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile ( 17:46:00 8 17:46:00 9 task_name => 'my_tun1', 17:46:00 10 17:46:00 11 name => 'my_sqlprofile',force_match=>false,category=>'scott'); 17:46:00 12 17:46:00 13 end; 17:46:01 14 / pl/sql procedure successfully completed.17:53:49 sys@ prod >select name, category,sql_text,status from dba_sql_profiles; name category ------------------------------ ------------------------------ sql_text ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status -------- sys_sqlprof_0149899c759a0000 default select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from test where n=100 enabled my_sqlprofile scott select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from test where n=100 enabled删除存在的sql profile: 17:53:51 sys@ prod >exec dbms_sqltune.drop_sql_profile(name =>'sys_sqlprof_0149899c759a0000'); pl/sql procedure successfully completed.17:55:20 sys@ prod >exec dbms_sqltune.drop_sql_profile(name =>'my_sqlprofile'); pl/sql procedure successfully completed.重新建立sql profile: 17:55:35 sys@ prod >declare 17:56:13 2 17:56:13 3 my_sqlprofile_name varchar2(30); 17:56:13 4 17:56:13 5 begin 17:56:13 6 17:56:13 7 my_sqlprofile_name := dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile ( 17:56:13 8 17:56:13 9 task_name => 'my_tun1', 17:56:13 10 17:56:13 11 name => 'my_sqlprofile'); 17:56:13 12 17:56:13 13 end; 17:56:16 14 / pl/sql procedure successfully completed. elapsed: 00:00:00.04查看sql profile: 18:01:48 sys@ prod >col name for a20 18:01:55 sys@ prod >r1* select name,category,sql_text,task_exec_name ,status from dba_sql_profiles name category sql_text -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- task_exec_name status ------------------------------ -------- my_sqlprofile default select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from testwhere n=100 exec_427 enabled3、以scott用户的身份进行验证 18:01:55 sys@ prod >conn scott/tiger connected. 18:02:43 scott@ prod >set autotrace on 18:02:46 scott@ prod > select /* no_index(test test_ind) */ * from test where n=100;n ----------100 elapsed: 00:00:00.05 execution plan ---------------------------------------------------------- plan hash value: 3357096749 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | select statement | | 1 | 5 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | index range scan| test_ind | 1 | 5 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- predicate information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------1 - access("n"=100) note ------ sql profile "my_sqlprofile" used for this statement statistics ----------------------------------------------------------790 recursive calls0 db block gets168 consistent gets6 physical reads116 redo size415 bytes sent via sql*net to client419 bytes received via sql*net from client2 sql*net roundtrips to/from client13 sorts (memory)0 sorts (disk)1 rows processed可以看出即使使用了‘no_index'的hint,sql执行计划仍使用index 访问。 使用了 sql profile "my_sql_profile" used for this statement
由这个例子我们可以发现,在必要情况下,sql profile可以让hint失效!
以上是凯发k8官方网为你收集整理的通过案例学调优之--sql profile的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决所遇到的问题。
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